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Official Videos
Goddammit Rose Marie
There's A War On Live at the Cameron House, June 2024
An Irish Airman Foresees His Death. Words by WB Yeats arraignment and music by Sinnicks.
White Charlie
There's a War On.
Dougy, Jake and Jobo
Someone Else
Either Way
Hold Me Baby.mp4
Steve Sinnicks - The Debt (The Corktown CD release April 2012)
Steve Sinnicks - You're Gonna Need It (Studio)
Steve Sinnicks - Miss America (Studio)
Graham Rockingham (Hamilton Spectator) Interviews Steve Sinnicks
Steve Sinnicks - Miss America (The Corktown CD release April 2012)
Jesus Was A Refugee-S.G. Sinnicks wins at Hamilton Music Awards 2009